8 Powerful WordPress Security Tips

When you're running your own business and website, there are times when certain tasks get pushed further and further down the to-do list. I know one of those tasks for a lot of people is website security. You might find yourself saying things like, "I'll get this taken care of next week," or "I know I need to do this, but it can wait until tomorrow." Tomorrow turns into the next day. The next day turns into next week, and pretty soon it's months later, and you still haven't taken care of it. Our guest author today is Anna Bogushevskaya. She helps build and maintain websites, so part of her job is ensuring all of her clients understand and keep up with website security. Lucky for us, she's sharing 8 powerful tips for WordPress security. These are simple and quick things we can do right now. And on top of tighter website security, we'll have a greater peace of mind! Read on for her awesome tips.


Several years ago, when I started building websites, I learned about WordPress security the hard way.

One morning, I switched my computer on, opened my site, and…Boom!

I saw a black screen
 with a brutal man carrying a couple of pistols, saying, “Your site has been hacked.”
 There was even some rock music playing in the background. Yes, the hackers went all out with background music and a graphic.

I wasn’t impressed.

The situation was terrible. The whole site was gone. I had no access to the dashboard, and moreover, I hadn’t backed anything up.

I looked for support from my hosting company, but they deleted all my databases and returned everything I had to zero because I was hacked.

“Amazing” support, right?

So I had some major damage control to work through. First, I had to rebuild the website from scratch. Second, I never wanted this to happen again, so I asked myself, “What should I do to avoid this situation in the future?”

I studied a lot of resources to get the answers, and after implementing the following tips, I haven’t had any more hacking experiences.

So, now I want to share some basic tips to keep your WordPress site secure. These 8 tips for WordPress security are quite simple. Anyone can follow them, even if you’re not technically savvy. Let’s go!

Change Your Default Admin Login Name

When you install WordPress, it uses “admin” as the default username for the administrator account. This admin username should be changed right away because most hackers know that WordPress suggests “admin” as the login name by default. Of course, hackers will try to gain access to your site by using this username. It’s the first thing hackers will try.

Here’s a great post that will walk you through changing your WordPress username if you didn’t do that when first installing.

Regularly Back Up Your Website

These days most people know the importance of backing up your site. But, just in case you haven’t thought about it yet or you haven’t taken steps to make it a regular task, I want to reiterate how important it is to never miss this task. Make sure your website and all databases are backing up to some external disk or the cloud, preferably once a week.

Many hosting companies suggest you back up services as well. But, at the very least, it’s always a good practice to back up your site and databases to external sources, like your computer, an external disk, or Dropbox.

There are some WordPress services that make this process very easy for you. Two of my favorites you can check out are VaultPress or BlogVault.

Another option is to install a backup plugin.

Here are a few great plugins I’ve tested.

1) BackupBuddy

This is a premium backup plugin for WordPress, and it’s the most popular. You can schedule your backup as a daily, weekly, or monthly task. You have the option to store the files in Dropbox, Amazon, FTP, or to email them to yourself.
 They have different payment options, as well, either a yearly subscription or a lifetime license.

2) UpdraftPlus Backup

This plugin allows you to create a complete backup of your site, as well as to store it on the cloud service or download it to your computer. This plugin is free, but it has a premium version with extra features.

3) WordPress Backup to Dropbox

This is a free plugin for WordPress that allows you to create a backup of your entire website and its database then upload it to your Dropbox account. Dropbox is also a free service, which gives you space to store files on their cloud server. Another great thing about this one is that by backing up everything to your Dropbox, you can access your files from any device. All you need is an internet connection.

The premium version of this plugin allows you to create scheduled backup tasks and get a backup status e-mail that reports copy, clone, or migrate websites.

With the free version, you’ll need to backup manually.

4) BackWPup

This free plugin is one of my favorites. I use it on almost all my websites and suggest it to my clients as well. With this plugin, you create a schedule, upload the files automatically, and store them on the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3), FTP, email them, or store them directly on your computer.

I like BackWPup because it’s extremely easy to set up and use.

8 Powerful Tips for WordPress Security | Danielle Zeigler

Keep Your WordPress Site Updated

Many people still think WordPress is not a secure CMS (Content Management System) because of its open source.
But the WordPress platform takes security seriously. Even some big media and government sites are using WordPress, so it’s a secure and stable platform, especially if we’re talking about a small business website.

The most important issue here is that you should keep WordPress and all plugins up to date. Because, normally, every update contains the most important security updates as well. When you see the notifications that an update is available, make time to keep everything current.

Use Strong Passwords

This is simple. Uppercases, numbers, special symbols, and long passwords work well. Never use your name, your spouse’s name, your date of birth, or any other personally identifiable number in your passwords. Make it harder for automatic tools to guess your password. The more random the better.

Use a Good and Reliable Hosting Company

I have a lot of personal experience with different hosting companies, both good and bad.
 For instance, the one I mentioned above, who deleted all my files from their account, was simply bad and not a helpful company.

Moreover, sometimes some bad hosting companies will even make your site “hacked,” and then instead of any support, they quickly suggest you use their partners’ services to clean your site from malicious code. 
Of course, this requires money and is usually not cheap!

Look for a hosting company that gives their attention to security.
 Choose hosting that:

  • Supports for the latest versions of PHP and MySQL
  • Is optimized for running WordPress
  • Has great customer support (so critical)
  • Has malware scanning built in

The best hosting companies I’ve ever dealt with are BlueHost and HostGator.

But when we’re talking about hosting, the most crucial thing I look for is how their support system works. I'll only work with a hosting company that cares about a lot of things for me. Even if I’m asking them something silly or something they’re not responsible for, I want to know that they'll help me out. Also, they must take their security system seriously.

I can’t stress this enough. Good hosting is big deal.

Make Sure You Use Correct File Permissions

Even though this is a bit on the technical side, it’s an important part of keeping your WordPress site secure.

Setting a directory with permissions of 777 could allow someone to upload or modify a file, which can ultimately cause a malicious attack. Here are a few quick and dirty tips.

  • All directories should be 755 or 750
  • All files should be 644 or 640
  • wp-config.php should be 600

For more details, check this WordPress guide about changing file permissions.

To get started, simply go to your File Manager from cPanel and check the codes there, just in case.

8 Powerful Tips for WordPress Security | Danielle Zeigler

Hide Your Login Page

This is one of my favorite things because it’s so simple but so very useful.

When you install WordPress, it gives you a default login URL for your admin dashboard. It’s either “/wp-admin/“ or “/wp-login.php.” Malicious parties know this, so they try to attack your login page. Moving your login page makes it difficult for hackers to perform a brute force attack.

Here are few good plugin solutions for this.

Hide Login+: This plugin allows you to create a custom URL for login, log out, sign up, and Admin pages.

Lockdown WP Admin: Another plugin that hides the WordPress admin.

Anything you can do to make a hacker’s task more difficult is a win for your security. They might just move on to a less secure site that will take less time and effort to get into.

A Few All-in-One Solutions

You may also want to consider an all-in-one security solution to protect your website.
 WordPress has a few good plugins that will take care of a lot of security issues for you.

If this interests you, check out iThemes Security or Wordfence Security.

Just remember to install plugins from reliable sources only. Preferably, they should be published on the Wordpress.org website.

Your website’s security is something you need to take seriously. If your site is hacked, there’s a high risk you’ll be blacklisted because your site will send spam (usually this is the main purpose of hacking your site). Even if your site is new, don't think it'll go unnoticed. Newest websites are even more likely to be hacked.

Start with these simple tips and you'll greatly reduce your risk of meeting a hacker's smile one day, like I did.


About Anna

Anna Bogushevskaya is a founder of "Digital Drive with Anna." She's a Digital Marketing Strategist with a focus on Search Engine Optimization. Anna helps bloggers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses to optimize their websites, get more free traffic, and achieve better positions in search results.

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Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

8 Ways to Stay Focused + Stop Procrastinating

Staying focused is one of the hardest parts of running your own business. Most days my mind is all over the place, from thinking of social posts for a client to redesigning my own website...to "why is my cat throwing up on everything I love?"

So while this is still a work-in-progress for me, I wanted to share what has worked in the past and what I'll be trying again.

8 Ways to Stay Focused & Stop Procrastinating in Your Business

Use a Timer

If I find myself procrastinating on a specific project, I tell myself I only have to work on it for 10 minutes. Then I set a timer and get to work.

I either get into the groove and work on it longer, or get some work done in that 10 minutes and come back to it later. Most times it's the former. For some reason, just starting the task is the hardest part.

There are specific techniques you can use if you want to get fancy. I've tested the Pomodoro technique for time management after reading Holly's post on balancing work and blogging. But I've also used the basic E.ggtimer.

Batch Similar Tasks

You've probably heard by now that responding to email and checking social media all throughout the day is hurting your productivity.

I've heard this a million times and am still guilty of doing both, but when I DO batch similar tasks together, I get more done.

Think about everything you have to do in a given week, or even just a day, and separate the tasks into similar groups. Designate a few specific times throughout the day where you'll respond to emails, check your phone, and check social media.

If you're a health coach or life coach, lump all of your coaching sessions for the day together, if possible.

Establish a Routine

This is actually one of the hardest ones for me. I have some kind of natural inclination to hate routines, but yet I know how effective they are.

Establishing a routine helps your body and mind get into a groove. It also helps you focus on the task at hand because your day is already planned out.

Make sure to include regular self-care and exercise into your routine. If you make it a habit, you'll see better results overall.

I started writing a paragraph with "My loose routine includes..." but it just made me realize how bad of a job I'm doing lately. The past few weeks I wake up anywhere from 6-8am, get coffee, write for an hour or so if I don't get sidetracked by an email, look at my phone approximately 578 times, dig into client work for about 6 hours, then either drive an hour to Crossfit or continue working until I realize it's 9pm. Somewhere in there I remember to eat. SO, you can see I have a lot to work on myself! I've gone through periods of great discipline and focus, but we all go through these days/weeks/seasons. I promise you.

Keep Your Blood Flowing

Exercise is so important to staying focused. It keeps blood flowing and releases neurotrasmitters that help increase cognitive function.

Schedule in breaks to stretch throughout the day, as well as trying to establish a workout routine. This doesn't mean you have to do the same workout every day, or commit yourself to a specific program like I did. Just setting up any exercise routine will help.

It could be a long walk around your neighborhood or trying different classes at your local gym. Whatever keeps you interested and keeps your blood pumping.

Remove Distractions

Sometimes blocking out time for tasks isn't enough. You may need to close all open browser tabs, remove your cell phone from your office or install an app that blocks social media channels.

There was a point when I was experimenting with the Pomodoro technique mentioned above, but I still had my phone in my office. While the timer was running I didn't check my phone, but hearing it buzz or light up was still distracting and caused a lot of anxiety knowing I had to wait to look at it. When I completely removed it from sight, it was much easier to forget about.

Read Less

While I recommend reading and engaging with other bloggers, sometimes it can be distracting from doing your actual work.

Try limiting the number of blogs you read per week or limiting the amount of time you spend reading them. For example, set aside 30 minutes every morning to scroll through your RSS feed and only click on the posts that grab your attention the most. Then mark all as read and move on with your day.

It's true that I get a lot of ideas from reading other blog posts but some of that time would be better spent implementing the things I learned or ideas that were sparked. Most of us spend so much time consuming information and too little time implementing our ideas.

Prioritize Your Tasks

“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.” -Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Get organized in the morning (or the night before). Plan out what you need to do that day.

One of my favorite questions is, "What 3 things can I do today that will have the biggest impact on my overall goals?"

Then I also do a brain dump of all my other ideas so I don't lose them. Having everything visually laid out helps me prioritize and gives me more time to think about the smaller ideas. They're still written down, but I have more time to process how much impact they'll really have. Don't just use the brain dump area when you're planning; use it throughout the day as you accomplish your listed tasks, then re-address the ideas later.

One thing I cannot recommend enough is to do the hardest or "worst" task first thing in the morning so it's not zapping your energy and hanging over your head all day.

Below you'll find a simple daily planner I've designed to help you stay organized in the easiest way possible.


Lastly, pause and think about why you're procrastinating on that particular task. If it's taking up too much time (even just mental energy to avoid it), it might be time to outsource it or eliminate it completely.

Is there a deeper reason you're avoiding it? Does your gut tell you it's not the right thing to do? I love this post on how procrastination can be productive.


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Exclusive Weekly Action Steps to Improve Your Business

I've implemented something new over the past few weeks, but haven't officially announced the addition. To show appreciation for everyone on my email list I've started including a weekly homework assignment to improve your business + online presence.

How many times have you read a list of "25 ways to XXXX" and then didn't do any of them? Maybe you pinned it for later, but chances are you'll move on to the next list of improvements to make and forget about the last one. I've done this a million times. Probably every week, if not every day.

It can be so easy to get overwhelmed by all the tips out there, so this way you'll at the very least be taking one simple step each week.

By doing this, you'll be able to identify what works and what doesn't for your particular business (because it's different for everyone!) and then you can spend more time on what has helped.

I've identified eight areas in a solopreneur business that we'll focus on improving. Each email from The Growth Notes series will include an action item from one of the eight areas.

8 Solopreneur Business Areas to Improve

Community Building

Community building includes everything from growing your blog traffic to making more genuine connections (online and in real life).

You could also think of this as building and strengthening your tribe.

Blogging + CONTENT

We'll focus on improving your blog posts, repurposing your most popular posts, and expanding your reach.

Website + Design

Your website is your ultimate home or hub online. It should reflect your personality, clearly express what you do and how you help people, and be easy to navigate.

With the website and design assignments, we'll make improvements in small, manageable steps.

Analytics + Tracking

This is one area that most new solopreneurs struggle with, but they're very important. The right analytics make the difference between working smarter and harder.

We'll work on identifying which metrics matter and use them to improve your business.

PRODUCTIVITY + Administration

How much time are you wasting on admin tasks because your business isn't streamlined? Or because these things just aren't a priority with the 100 other projects you have open?

Some weeks the assignment will be a quick task to help you get organized and clear some of the clutter from your day.

Bigger Picture digital marketing strategy + Goals

Do you have goals in place for your business? Do they make sense for your big picture?

We'll work on everything from your monthly or yearly goals to your pricing.

Gain More ideal Clients

Gaining blog views and social likes isn't enough to keep your business going (obviously). So we'll work on getting clients and keeping them satisfied.

For example, there are a huge percentage of solopreneurs who are missing opportunities because they don't follow up with leads.

Health + Wellness for the entrepreneur lifestyle

As I say, you'll do your best when you feel your best. As you improve your health and wellness, you'll improve your productivity, creativity and overall mood.

Sign up here to receive the above exclusive weekly action steps to get found, grow traffic & gain clients.



Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

4 Myths About Building a Holistic Business

Running this blog and my business, I meet so many women who are would-be entrepreneurs. But many of those women, immediately after telling me their business idea, share a reason (sometimes more than one reason!) why they can't go for it. My guest author today is Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci, a former fashion model turned professor and career coach for women in wellness. She's sharing and debunking four of the most popular myths about starting and building a business. Whether you're just starting out or have been a solopreneur for years, her post has some great insight and inspiration for you! 


I want to debunk four common myths about building a holistic business.

I’m constantly speaking to women who are brilliant at understanding holistic concepts like the mind-body connection, but clueless about the mind-set you need to build a valuable thriving business.

Myth 1: Build It and They Will Come

When I first started out as a massage therapist back in 2001, I didn’t know the first thing about getting new clients or building a business. When my massage instructor insisted that I had to do 100 massages if I wanted to graduate, I was in a panic. I thought: Where am I going to find 100 people who want massages?!?! I was living in a high-rise building at the time, so I decided to go door to door, like a Girl Scout selling cookies, and ask people if they wanted a massage. I got about 100 no’s and 1 yes – an elderly woman who lived in a dusty one-bedroom apartment. She was my very first client.

Fast-forward a few years and my massage practice was so full that I had to turn people away.  The more I put myself out there and promoted myself, the more my practice grew. If you think that you can just set up a website or roll out a yoga mat and clients will manifest out of thin air, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s going to take a lot more work than that! You CAN build a thriving prosperous business, but you will have to roll up your sleeves and make the magic happen yourself.

Myth 2: I Can't Eat an Elephant

Some people read my bio – which says all kinds of fancy things about me like I am a Ph.D. Professor, an “expert blogger,” featured in national media, traveled to 40 countries and so on – and they think: How the $#@% am I going to do all that?! I used to think the same thing when I would read the bios of my professors or others that I admired. It seemed like they had accomplished so much and I was SO far away from my goals.

Things take time, people! You don’t eat an elephant all at once – you eat it one bite at a time. My Ph.D. took 10 years of college and grad school to accomplish. My media appearances span another decade of teaching, writing and presenting. You will not manifest that national media appearance during the first week of your business, but you can definitely get there after a few years of building your personal brand (and pestering the right producers and editors).

Myth 3: Self-Employed Equals DIY

As a solopreneur, there are so many things that we have to juggle on our own – clients, bookings, classes, marketing, networking – it can seem totally overwhelming and draining.  After years of doing everything on my own, I was going crazy. But no matter how much busier I got, I never felt like I was doing enough or earning enough to justify hiring help. I thought: Help is for rich people and I’m not rich (yet).

This past year was the first time that I said: #@%! It. I need help. I hired a web designer, a social media marketer, and a book editor. Wow! What a difference a team makes! Just because I am self-employed does NOT mean that I have to do everything myself. I need support. I need people to do the things that I don’t know how to do or don’t like to do so that I can focus on the things I love – like writing this blog post for you!

Myth 4: I Must Be Perfect

This is one that has been surfacing a lot lately in my conversations and interactions. If you’ve ever cried about getting a B+ or winning second place in a contest, there’s a good chance you’re a perfectionist. I’ve procrastinated on all kinds of things because I was afraid that they wouldn’t be good enough – I couldn’t possibly write a book if it wasn’t going to be a NY Times Bestseller. HA! That’s so ridiculous.

I guarantee that the first time you try something, you’re not going to be good at it! Who cares!? You’re driven by passion, a mission to serve, a deep longing to help others. Get out there and be your imperfectly perfect self. When I created Women In Wellness Career Training to help women overcome perfectionism and other challenges, I was blown away by the strength and courage of the amazing community – and that’s more important to me than the NY Times Bestseller list.

You don’t have to do it perfectly, you just have to do it. twitter icon


About Gabrielle

Dr GabbyDr. Gabby is a Holistic Health Expert and Founder of Women in Wellness Career Training.   Dr. Gabby has more than 2000 hours of training in Holistic Modalities and is certified in Massage Therapy, Healing Touch, Kundalini Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation. She is regularly featured in national and local media such as MSNBC, Huffington Post and Spirituality & Health Magazine.  Dr. Gabby offers private coaching for a select number of clients who are looking to create more success in their work and life.

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Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Pause for Clarity

Chances are over the next few days you might be returning to your hometown, seeing family you haven't seen in ages, reconnecting with old friends, or even just getting a chance to take a few deep breaths.

This post is just a reminder to be mindful and stay in the moment over the next few days.

Put your phone down at Thanksgiving dinner.

Tell your parents or your grandparents something you're grateful for that they've done. Something that has taught you a lesson or helped you along the way.

On Thanksgiving, don't feel guilty about eating the pie. Just be grateful for the food on the table.

If you don't get to spend this holiday with friends and family, take some time for yourself. Read a novel or spend the day binge watching your favorite show in your pajamas.

Just do something that will make you happy and relaxed.

Not only should you pause to be in the moment with loved ones, but this break is vital to your business success.

Take a moment to think of what you're doing when you get your best ideas, or finally solve a problem you've been struggling with.

You're usually in the shower, or driving, or out on a hike, right? Something that has removed you from the situation and your normal work environment.

It's the end of 2015, so you've likely been reflecting on what you've accomplished this year and planning your goals for 2016. There are probably a million things you'd like to do.

If you pause and remove yourself from the planning and day-to-day work, you'll return with more clarity for the next year.

So let's all pause for clarity.


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Chasing Dreams Interview with Batani Khalfani, Designer, Dancer, Actress, Writer + More

This interview is part of the Chasing Dreams interview series. I’ve interviewed a variety of entrepreneurs and small business owners who have chosen a different path in life in order to go after his or her dream career. Have an entrepreneur in mind you’d like to learn more about? Let me know! Today’s interview is with Batani Khalfani, who was recommended by Crystal Chin (who I interviewed last year). Batani is a creative powerhouse, from fashion design to dancing, acting and writing.  She also has a great positive outlook and is an inspiration for any multi-passionate women out there.

Let's dig in!


At what point did you know you wanted to follow this career path? How did you know this was the right direction?

I was born to be who I am in all aspects. All of my talents are innate. I am self-taught in all that I do artistically. I am a self-taught designer, dancer, artist. When I was 4 years old I was asked what I "wanted" to be when I grew up. I said, "I'm going to be an architect, fashion designer, actor, model and dancer." I am all of those things and soon I will be going to school for architecture.

What are the biggest struggles you've faced while trying to achieve your dreams?

I don't look at anything as a struggle, I look at things as a learning process. I really just do what I feel in my mind, I do what compels me always if it's in a positive direction. Sometimes I move too quickly and miss a few steps and then I have to go back. I've done that a lot. Right now I am making sure I take care of all of the essential steps in order to have a better outcome. But when I finally get it right it is RIGHT!

Owning your own business can be tough on the body and mind, between long days, instability and really putting yourself out there to reach your goals. How do you stay healthy? Do you have any rituals that help you stay centered?

While owning my own business I make sure I do what I want. If I want to hang out with my friends and family I do that. I make sure I put myself around people, especially family, where I can give and receive unconditionally that helps me day by day. Sometimes I get so busy though that I forget to eat, hence me being so thin...I am making a better effort to eat all throughout the day to maintain my health and energy. I love to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I love spinach and kale, and I love all fruits.

Speaking of putting yourself out there, overcoming rejection is a big part of chasing dreams. How do you bounce back?

Ha! I am so hard on myself and honest with myself that I don't care what anyone thinks. Seriously. I talk to myself all throughout the day, but I have fun with myself in making sure I'm doing what I feel is best for me and my path. I am my biggest critic. So any type of rejection is nothing to me. I have the thickest skin of anyone I know.

When I was younger people used to laugh and talk about my forehead and how skinny I was, and I laughed right with them because the jokes they said were funny. Nothing anyone says can affect me, the only thing that can affect me is if someone does something to me physically then they have a problem, not me.

What do you do when you're having an off day- maybe feeling down, struggling with self-doubt, or just unmotivated?

When I'm having on off day, I usually just sleep to rest my mind. Sleeping is fun sometimes because it renews. People are like, "Team no sleep" I'm like, "Yeah whatever."

Sometimes I will go to the beach and look at the water and let it run over my feet. I find that very cleansing. Maybe sometimes I will go to the park. I like to unify with nature if I'm feeling a little off balance.

What is one misconception people have about you and/or your profession?

One misconception that people have about me is that I only design, when in fact I'm very well rounded. Not only do I design but I dance, I act, I write, I paint and sketch. I know Spanish, I am learning Japanese and I know a little bit of Korean. I can talk about anything from foreign policy to indigenous cultures. I like to learn so any chance I get to learn, I'm always on it.

In my upcoming projects I get to show my mind, my thought process and my views of the world and all of what I can do. I'm excited.

I understand, though, why people may have misconceptions about me because most of the time I'm very quiet, I just like to observe things around me. I don't go along with the crowd, I'm always standing out of it watching all that's around me and I've come to find out that sometimes that makes people uncomfortable because people are taught that they have to do things to fit in. I never wanted to fit in because I am not designed to fit in. So people have their thoughts...and I let them have them.

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way?

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is to do the art for the art and not for the money.

The money will come. Just dedicate yourself to your craft and the rest will follow. I recently just learned that, and I'm glad I learned it at this point because the experiences leading up to it are invaluable.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow a path similar to what you have?

Well no one really follows anybody else path unless they're a copycat, but anyone who wants to do anything in life, the most valuable advice I can give is to just do it.

A person should do what they want and what they feel to achieve the success they desire and not let anyone dissuade them.

Since I was a child I've never let anyone tell me I shouldn't do something because I've always known what I wanted in my mind and have always had a very clear vision of my future.

When do you feel the most inspired, alive and the most like YOU?

I feel most like myself every single day of my life. If I'm having an off-day or a very fulfilled day I know each step is a part of my process. I am grateful that I have a keen sense of awareness which allows me to be very introspective and check myself if I'm not elevated towards my higher self.

Sometimes, not that often, I let myself vibrate on lower frequency just to get the experience out but I immediately check myself and go back up. I really enjoy myself and love myself so that love keeps me on high feeling like myself all of the time.

What people, books, music, etc. inspire you?

Anything that has substance, that has a soul, life, character, gets my attention. In a world where most things are mundane and lack substance, the things and people that are true to their core catch my attention.

One of the people in my life who inspire me though is my dad. He has great character and integrity that he's had all of his life and he has never wavered and is very well respected. He gives me something to aspire to. Its also great to know that I have a lot of his attributes.

My mom also inspires me because as I get older I see how wise she is and her thoughtfulness in the decisions that she made towards her children. She always bought paint and sketch books for me. She bought me my first sewing machine when I was 15, and I didn't even ask for one. Her dedication to people outside of herself inspires me.

Describe your favorite moment or accomplishment in your career so far.

My favorite moment in my career so far has been all of the moments leading up to this point and my future moments. I really am grateful for this process. I enjoy it all. Like I said I love to learn and each day I am learning and going higher and right now at this point in my life I am excited because of what's coming.

What’s the most exciting thing going on in your life right now?

The most exciting thing in my life right now is that I am living and experiencing. I am having fun and doing what I want. I'm meeting new people everyday and having fun with the people I've known for years. I'm seeing people get wiser, I'm seeing some regress lol.

I am seeing more people wake up to who they really are and right now in my life I am becoming who I will ultimately become. I can't wait to meet myself 6 months from now, a year from now, 5 years from now, 10. This is all exciting to me.

When I am older and ascend to my next life, I will just smile because I know that I will have lived my life the way I wanted to live it and not how anyone else wanted me to live it, and that excites me.


I am self-taught artist. I am in love with my family and in love with great things. I design, I paint, I act, I dance and I write. In the near future I will release a book about my life which is way too interesting and I am releasing a documentary about my father who is a very influential figure in South Central Los Angeles. I am working on several projects in the film arena.

I have a blog called Agent of Fashion which you will see more of as well as my YOUTUBE channel under the same name. I am working a non-profit for children. My couture line, which the new collections haven't been released yet, is www.batanikhalfani.com. My couture line is where my creativity and the different levels of it can be seen.

Blog // Instagram

Batani Khalfani

Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Hiring a Virtual Assistant!

I'm hiring a virtual assistant to help with social media, graphics, administrative tasks, and more. I'm not opposed to more than one virtual assistant depending on areas of proficiency for those who apply.

For example, if someone is strong in graphics and someone else is strong in writing social media posts, I'm willing to consider splitting the duties.

This would make an excellent side job for extra income or even credit for an internship!

Possible tasks include:

  • Creating branded graphics (Picmonkey is fine)
  • Scheduling social media posts + repurposing old content for social media
  • Uploading and formatting blog posts in WordPress
  • Some research and sourcing of content
  • Administrative work (updating contracts, contacting companies, etc.)
  • Help with email newsletter in Mailchimp
  • Help compiling monthly analytics reports

Software knowledge:

  • WordPress
  • Mailchimp
  • Buffer
  • Clicktotweet
  • Google Analytics (basic knowledge)
  • Picmonkey, Photoshop, etc.
  • Toggl

The first two are the most important. Overall they are all very user friendly, though.

Vital skills/characteristics:

  • An eye for consistent branding (may be working for me AND clients)
  • Strong writing skills
  • Social media for business
  • Dependability and ability to meet deadlines
  • Must sign contract to keep information confidential
  • Innovative and current with online marketing trends

Bonus skills:

  • Help create downloads with Illustrator/InDesign/Etc.
  • Able to help with copywriting and editing (especially as I begin launching products such as ebooks and ecourses)

Hours will be light to start out to see if everything is a good fit, then we will build from there.

Compensation is competitive and dependent on experience and skill.

Payment will be on an hourly basis (at least to start) as a contractor/subcontractor. I use Paypal for payment.

There will be opportunities to grow with my company as things continue to pick up.


Send me an email at danielle @ daniellezeigler.com with a little bit about yourself and your experience, skills, and availability. Please let me know if you have any questions or input as well.

1 Comment

Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

5 Online Tools I Use Every Day for Business

There are SO many tools available to help with your business from project management to social posting...you name it. While I use different tools for different tasks, there are some I use day in and day out to manage my business overall. Here's a quick breakdown of what I use every day:


Toggl is a free project and time tracker. You can organize your clients and projects by color, see visual graphs, and even add team members.

I love this tool for the simplicity. I color code my clients and use it for the basic time tracking and reporting.

A lot of my projects are still service-based, hours-for-dollars type of work. So to accurately track my time, I use Toggl. It's also a great reference if any questions come up from clients.

I'm also horrible at estimating, so this gives me a good idea of how long certain projects take.

Toggl Timer Dashboard


If you have multiple clients at one time, Asana is an excellent project management solution. As with many online tools, there is a free version and then tiered pricing depending on your needs.

This tool is a bit more robust than Toggl for managing your projects. You can organize from client to project to individual tasks required to complete the project, along with setting deadlines and communicating with team members.

I'm a Type-A List Maker, so I love Asana.

If you have a VA or other people on your team, it's a good way to share notes and communicate about projects and deadlines.

I currently use Asana for my clients, but I also have a separate account for a large company I contract with (below).

Asana Dashboard


I inevitably end up needing to edit graphics at some point most days, whether for my blog, a client's blog, or quick edits for social media.

I've used Photoshop in the past (and failed at mastering it), so Picmonkey has been an amazing alternative. There's a free version and a Pro version (called Royale), which gives you access to more graphics and tools.

My favorite aspect is the ability to load in your own fonts so you can keep branding consistent.

My least favorite aspect is that you can't go back in and edit individual layers once you've closed out of it. But despite this, it's still a very handy tool.

Picmonkey Photo Editing for Bloggers


Buffer is a social media management and scheduling tool with built in analytics to help you see how your posts are performing.

I currently use the $10/month subscription which allows 1o social profiles (including Pinterest) with 100 scheduled posts per profile, with 30 days of analytics history.

The analytics are my favorite part because you can easily go back and rebuffer (reschedule) your most popular posts.

You can also attach photos to your scheduled Twitter posts and they will show up in the Twitter feed, whereas with some other tools, the photo only shows up as a link when pre-scheduled (such as Hootsuite).

Buffer Social Media Scheduling Dashboard


I run my own blog using WordPress (self-hosted through BlueHost), along with assisting many of my clients with WordPress blogs.

There are some great alternatives out there such as Wix and SquareSpace, but for now I like the customization available through WordPress. There are endless plugins available so you don't need to know a lot of code and can still make it do nearly anything you'd like.

If you haven't chosen a blogging platform, I suggest reading through my post on creating a WordPress blog in 5 minutes.

In the Comments:

Which ONE online tool could you not live without?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Naming Your Business

Naming your business can be one of the most stressful parts of getting started. I thought about it off and on for a full two years while I was freelancing under my name. Ultimately I decided to stick with my name. Whenever working with entrepreneurs in the very beginning stages, I almost always get that question,

"Should I use my name, or create a business name?"

There isn't one correct answer for this, but for coaches or service-based entrepreneurs, I lean toward using your name.

Using your name as your business name allows you to:

  • be flexible in offerings as you grow your business
  • start as a solopreneur without registering as an LLC, using a DBA, etc. (meaning it's cheaper to get started)
  • add more personality to your brand because you ARE the brand

So that's ultimately the first question I want you to consider to set the foundation for the remaining questions.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Naming Your Business

Is it easy to pronounce and remember?

This is perhaps the most important question, whether you use your name or a business name.

Will people be able to spell it when searching online? Or if you introduce yourself in person, will the name be memorable?

Will your brand evolve?

Consider your long-term business goals. Is your business name general enough that if your business evolves, it will still make sense?

If it does evolve, what else might you offer?

If you think you might change or expand your offerings in the future, could you use a tagline to describe your business instead of a specific name?

Are you location-based?

Could you benefit from using your location in your name?

Do you have any plans to move or expand your business in the future?

What emotions does the name evoke?

Make a list of words and values you want to be associated with your business. Does your chosen name align with these?

What is the availability of that name?

Google your ideas and see if they're taken or what similar names are out there. You don't want to be associated with something negative even if it's only similar!

Is the domain available? You can check using the WhoIs database here.

Speaking of domains, double check what your domain looks like as all one word with lowercase letters. Sometimes different words can be made out of your domain name, and you don't want it to come across as something it's not.

You can check for trademarks here.


In the Comments:

How did you choose your business name, if you already have one?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Chasing Dreams Interview with Chrissy Gruninger, founder of Sanguine Collective

This interview is part of the Chasing Dreams interview series. I’ve interviewed a variety of entrepreneurs and small business owners who have chosen a different path in life in order to go after his or her dream career. Have an entrepreneur in mind you’d like to learn more about? Let me know! Today’s interview is with Chrissy Gruninger, a fellow member of the Female Entrepreneur Association. Chrissy is the founder of Sanguine Collective, as well as many other actions in the pursuit of a happy and whole life through intentional actions. We have a lot in common with a love for travel and intentional living, so I have a feeling you'll all enjoy her message as well!


At what point did you know you wanted to follow this career path? How did you know this was the right direction?

I’ve always loved writing and creating.  I remember writing my first little “book” way back in Junior High but somewhere along the way, life went in a different direction.  Then a few years back while I was in grad school and writing my thesis, I really felt called to write more and to create messages of happiness and harmony in the world.  I started by writing a basic quarterly newsletter which turned into a blog and eventually I wrote several books on living intentionally and eco travel.  What I like to call “eco wellness.”

When I sent one of my eco travel memoirs to a hospitality management firm in Costa Rica (as I had visited all their hotel properties), I was then contacted by the President of the company and offered a position in their online marketing department, managing all of their social media channels.  I knew this was the right direction for me –creating content that I love and sharing stories of eco wellness with a worldwide audience.

It was only recently that I acknowledged (and accepted) that I’m a multi-passionate.  When I realized that I wanted to both create harmony in the world as well as support others in doing the same, that is when everything finally fell into place and I started to feel like I was not only on more solid ground but had finally created my dream life.

What are the biggest struggles you've faced while trying to achieve your dreams?

About a year after I got the social media management position, I decided to move to Costa Rica.  I didn’t realize however that the combination of starting my own business AND living in a foreign country would be such a major (and challenging) adjustment.  Not only was I spending an enormous amount of time trying to grow the business, I was also living in a totally different culture (one that I’m still trying to understand, 3+ years later).

To make matters worse, at the time, I had no idea of the concept of an “ideal client” and I was running into a lot of problems with working with clients who were really not a good fit for me or my business.  That caused lots of time to be wasted and many headaches.

Owning your own business can be tough on the body and mind, between long days, instability and really putting yourself out there to reach your goals. How do you stay healthy? Do you have any rituals that help you stay centered?

I love my yoga practice.  I live it every day, on and off the mat.  I also love being in nature.  Fortunately, living in Costa Rica, I’m surrounded by the natural world.  It helps bring me back to my center.  At times, I’ll admit it can be distracting – wild monkeys running around and macaws squawking in a nearby tree.  But that is what helps keep me grounded and a reminder of why I’m doing this work – to create more harmony and wellness for all.

power to thrive

Speaking of putting yourself out there, overcoming rejection is a big part of chasing dreams. How do you bounce back?

In the beginning, it was really hard on me and I took everything personally.  Over time, I began to realize that it usually wasn’t about me, or that maybe the client just wasn’t a good fit.

I’ve learned that there are plenty of clients for everyone and when we find the right ones, they will stick around.  twitter icon

Most of the clients I have now, I’ve had for several years, and I adore them.

What do you do when you're having an off day- maybe feeling down, struggling with self-doubt, or just unmotivated?

Depending on the day, the weather, my overall energy level… I love to read, listen to music, get on my yoga mat and just rest in balasana or savasana.

In good weather, I’ll head down to town or the beach, being in the warm tropical air and seeing the world around me helps me center myself and reminds me of all that I’m grateful for.

What is one misconception people have about you and/or your profession?

That being a writer and understanding how to show up in our busy online world is easy and/or not a high value.  That a high school kid with a Facebook account can do it so it must not be worth more than a minimum wage salary (so far from the truth!)

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way?

To really understand my value and what that is worth. When I was just starting out, I did a lot of work for free and really undervalued my services. I was trying to please everyone and because I was a single business owner, with just the one income to support me, I didn’t ever want to say No to clients. I was terrified of losing clients.

Now, I have learned how to say No. I will still say Yes, sometimes…but it has to feel right to me and my relationship with the client has to be one in which the work that I create is valued and respected (and paid for).

Clients that are constantly asking me to tweak my contract or add something in for free…I know pretty quickly now those situations are a rabbit hole I don’t want to jump down.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow a path similar to what you have?

I like to say: Make the grass green where you are first.  twitter icon

You have to be happy with who you are and where you are.  Then you can begin to think about making changes.

Changing jobs, moving countries… they won’t necessarily make everything better, those choices won’t make all your problems go away. Sure some of them might change with a new job, new boss or new location but often, you will find yourself continuing to be unhappy, only for different reasons.

Look within, find contentment, and then decide what it is you want to do and how you want to show up in the world.

When do you feel the most inspired, alive and the most like YOU?

Fortunately, now, that is how I feel every day. I love every moment – even the not so good ones.  It’s not that life is so easy (it definitely isn’t!) but I’ve learned how to live with ease and presence, courage and strength.

What people, books, music, etc. inspire you?

My favorite books are In the Heart of Life by Kathy Eldon, The Legacy of Luna by Julia Butterfly Hill and Learning to Breathe by Alison Wright. On those days when I find myself on the mat in balasana, I love listening to Sita’s Light, a beautiful, heartfelt collection of kirtan songs. Or Michael Franti when I need to do a more challenging vinyasa sequence.

The people who inspire me are those who are doing something with their life to make the world a better, more beautiful place. The authors above and Miriam Zernis from Sita’s Light all fall into that category. Colin Beavan, No Impact Man, is another person who I admire.

All these people…they inspire me because they’re actively living their lives. They’re choosing not to be on the sidelines but instead to show up and really make a difference. I’m fortunate to know some of them personally and while they’re not perfect, they do walk their talk as best they can.  Authenticity is what inspires me the most.

Describe your favorite moment or accomplishment in your career so far.

My absolute favorite accomplishment is my first book, An Intentional Life. While my eco travel memoirs are a big part of who I am and having a feature in Colin Beavan’s upcoming book is so surreal (and exciting!), really An Intentional Life is the epitome of all that I am, all that I believe and value. It’s my heartfelt desire for the world – in a beautifully designed photojournalistic book.

I purposefully wrote it to reach a wide audience and both kids and adults have found it to be inspirational and moving. To know that it has touched the lives of others and supported others in recognizing (and remembering) that we are all One…  That has truly made all the difference for me.

What I want my legacy to be is that I helped create more harmony in the world and I supported others in doing the same.  An Intentional Life was my first real public step in doing just that.

What’s the most exciting thing going on in your life right now?

What I’m most excited about now is my signature program, Inherent Harmony. It’s based on my newest book, Lost and Found in the Land of Mañana (coming out in early 2016!).

I absolutely love supporting people in transforming their lives and really showing up in the world in a meaningful way. With Inherent Harmony, that’s exactly what I get to do. I want more people to be able to say: I’m in love with my life (and really mean it).  Learn more about the program here.



Chrissy GruningerChrissy Gruninger is the founder of Sanguine Collective, an eco wellness & travel author, yoga teacher and creator of the Inherent Harmony mentoring program. She loves her 400 square foot jungle home in Costa Rica, the sunshine and the rain and passionately believes that through intentional actions we create more happiness, health and harmony in the world.

Website // Twitter // Facebook // Instagram





Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

22 Takeaways from Content Marketing World 2015

I left the Content Marketing World conference with 10 pages of handwritten notes (I know, who does that anymore?), many business cards, and the memory of Nick Offerman casually eating bacon on stage during his keynote. nick offerman at content marketing world

This was the first conference I've been to as a guest, and I have to say I was pretty impressed.

While many of the sessions were overcrowded or some of the information was nothing new, the mere energy from everyone there was enough to inspire change and action. Isn't that the point?

I did walk away with some new information and a list of tools to look into. I didn't attend every session or look over every presentation, but still gathered tons of useful information. I've rounded up some takeaways that I thought you all might find interesting.

9 General Content Marketing Takeaways:

  • Many companies are lacking a clear content strategy
  • Focus on the customer first and foremost (the audience is king, not the content)
  • Define metrics that matter + stop tracking only vanity metrics
  • Focus more on distribution and promotion
  • Build buyer personas to target your content more effectively
  • Publish articles from an author (person's name), not a company
  • More frequent posting = more traffic but less engagement
  • Native advertising is on the rise

How to Properly Communicate With Your Audience (via Kristina Halvorson)

  • What do you need?
  • How can I help you?
  • I will be transparent.
  • I will prioritize you over metrics.

properly communicate with audience

2 SEO Takeaways

  • The time someone spends on your page after clicking over from the search results will matter more for ranking. (So make sure your titles and descriptions are relevant.)
  • Focus on questions your customers are asking to facilitate conversations and engagement, which in turn helps SEO.

4 Social Media Takeaways

  • Using a visual with a social post is likely to get 180% more engagement.
  • Facebook's organic reach is at 2% and dropping. Twitter has said it will take the same route.
  • Pinterest is #3 of worldwide referral traffic behind only Google and Facebook.
  • How to view social networks:
    • Facebook: "What are my friends up to?"
    • Twitter: "What's going on in the world now?"
    • Pinterest: "What can I do in the future?"

7 Useful Quotes from Content Marketing World

"Don't build your house on rented land." - Joe Pulizzi (Publish on your own content hub)

"The only way we can differentiate is how we communicate." - Don Schults

"You're more likely to survive a plane crash than click on a banner ad." - Chad Pollitt

"Don't confuse activity with productivity." - Kristina Halvorson

"The only things that matter: business outcomes + customer satisfaction." - Kristina Halvorson

"People don't have relationships with brands. They have relationships with people." - Seth Godin (He wasn't there, but it was an important reminder.)

"By filling your life with what makes you happy, the trick is you end up having a beautiful life even if you don't ever hit a home run." -Nick Offerman


Fun Photos

Does your content pass the "mom test?" by Jay Baer


Build a Following with Online Video with Matthew Patrick


Content Marketing Hacks with Matt Heinz


101 Ways to Repurpose Content with Amy Higgins

In the Comments:

What's your favorite conference to attend?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

The Road to Solopreneur Success (+a can't-miss business ebook bundle sale!)

This post is part of the blog tour for One Woman Shop’s Solopreneur Success Bundle, a roundup of e-courses, e-books, and subscriptions designed to help you succeed in all aspects of your solopreneur biz. Your chance to grab over $1,500 in products at just $99 is only here from September 14-18th -- learn more and get yours now!  

The Road to Solopreneur Success

What area(s) of your business do you struggle with most and what do you plan on changing?

Around two years into my business I started thinking about hiring an assistant. I've hired a few subcontractors here and there, but now at nearly three years in, it's becoming more urgent. It can be very challenging to give up control of something you've built from the ground up.

I've been working on an audit of what I do every day and within my business so I can pinpoint my weakest areas and delegate those out, as well as streamline repetitive tasks. Included in the weakest areas are also things that I just don't feel energized doing.

For example, while I love writing, certain projects drain my energy, so I've started working with a copywriter on some of these projects. I also have a developer to help out with the more technical things that I just honestly don't want to take the time to figure out.

While being a one woman shop is a wonderful thing, it's okay to get help when you need it. Hire the coach, invest in the e-course, or delegate your weakest areas to others who excel in them.

I also struggle with work-life balance. It doesn't exist in a consistent way that people might imagine, but give-and-take is definitely necessary.

I've started implementing "no-work-weekends." If I feel a little overwhelmed on Friday before 5pm-ish, I'll make an organized to-do list to get started with on Monday. Then I try to disconnect as much as possible. I find myself more energized and productive on Monday mornings this way.

What area(s) of your business are you excelling at most and how did you get there?

I have a solid client base of amazing women right now. I've built most of my client base from referrals from current or previous clients, offering flexible/customizable service plans + providing helpful content on my blog. It took consistent work and attention to detail with each client to get here.

As mentioned above I'm at a point where I need to start hiring help and I also have some big, slightly change-of-direction plans for the upcoming months.

I'm far enough into my business where I have a better idea of what I want to work on most. A business like this is ever-changing, but after some time you start to figure out what works best for you and your tribe.

When I started I offered both business coaching + holistic health coaching. While I still incorporate the importance of health in entrepreneurship, I haven't offered health coaching for quite some time. This was mostly a demand-based decision, but also just a natural evolution as I wanted to get more involved in helping other coaches reach more people.

One of the best parts of running my business so far has been the relationships I've formed with my clients, my tribe, other entrepreneurs / bloggers. It sounds a little cliche maybe, but it's been so true. It's important to keep the mindset of community over competition. We all bring different strengths to the table, so we can do amazing things if we work together and support one another.


Solopreneur Success Bundle

The Solopreneur Success Bundle is your one-stop shop for the some of the best resources out there that will unlock your potential as a solo business owner and lead you to greater success.

Writing copy. Creating passive income. Pricing. Streamlining your systems. Launching. Managing finances. Unplugging. These are all things you know are important to your biz, but you could use some help to make them happen.

The Bundle brings you 19 amazing products worth over $1,500 that do just that. Your investment? $99. But here’s the catch: it’s only available this week, from September 14-18th.

What’s more? The impact of your investment doesn’t stop with your own business. One Woman Shop is investing $10 on every sale in Kiva, specifically supporting women-run projects and businesses around the world.

What You'll Get

Amanda Genther - Creative Biz Kickstart e-course (Retail value: $75)

  • A 16-lesson (45 page) crash-course on all things creative business basics: branding, clients + offerings, marketing + time management, and goal setting.

Amber McCue - How to Clone Yourself e-course (Retail value: $149)

  • A 4-week, DIY workshop that shows the exasperated, drowning, overstressed, overworked, overtaxed business owner how to make more time for yourself and how to make more money for yourself… without making more work for yourself.

Ash Beaudin/Firework People - 14 Day Journaling Prompts (Retail value: $25)

  • A 14-day email course for visionary women who are doing their dreams and want to connect with their hearts to process what is going on in their inner world.

Ashley Brooks - The Self-Editing Handbook (Retail value: $12)

  • The ultimate DIY-editing guide for bloggers and writers who are serious about producing excellent content but don't have the budget to hire a pro.

Carrie Smith - Solopreneur Finances e-course (Retail value: $79)

  • Over 12 lessons you'll learn how to get organized, simplify the financial obstacles of being a business owner, and find what works for you so you can manage money on your terms.

Coach Jennie - Coaching Biz Badassery Bootcamp (Retail value: $250)

  • A self-paced online program packaged and templated to shorten your learning curve on building a coaching biz.

Electric Empire/Anna Long - BetaLab e-course (Retail value: $97)

  • The self paced ecourse that will help you create and test your services so they can stop being ideas in your head and become real life money makers instead.

Halley Gray (Evolve + Succeed) - Supercharged Sales Pages e-course (Retail value: $197)

  • A self-paced e-course that shows you how to write sales pages that sell in seconds.

Hey Shenee - Price Anything (Retail value: $25)

  • A video workshop guiding you through the process of finding your own price, with a guide for beta testing your next thing and insights on how much money you’ll make this year.

Indigo Colton - Your Ultimate VA Crash Course (Retail value: $14)

  • A step-by-step e-book to walk you through determining if you're ready for a VA, how to find potential VA's, what to ask in the interview, and what happens after you've hired your VA.

Jac McNeil - Solopreneur Sojourn (Retail value: $179)

  • A self-guided, digital retreat kit for your business.

Lisa Jacobs - Shop Fundamentals ebook (Retail value: $15)

  • An ebook and corresponding workbook to help you turn your online shop into an SEO-optimized, engaging place where visitors turn into paying customers.

Marianne Manthey - Blog Beautiful ebook (Retail value: $24)

  • A self-paced course to hold your hand every step of the way from blog ugly to blog lovely.

Michelle Nickolaisen - The Freelance Planner (digital) (Retail value: $15)

  • The first (undated!) planner designed specifically for freelancers, helping train you into better business and productivity habits as you use it.

One Woman Shop - Building Your Online Community e-course (Retail value: $49)

  • A 14-week, step-by-step, action-packed guide to kicking off and strengthening your online community as a solopreneur.

Sara Frandina Copywriting + One Woman Shop - Kickstart Your Content (Retail value: $29)

  • Blog content strategy for newbies + stalled pros who want a strategy behind their blog and the kickstart they need to get it in motion.

Sarah Morgan - Create. Profit. Party! ebook (Retail value: $29)

  • A start-from-scratch guide to creating passive income, so you can build products and programs that will not only be valuable to your audience and enhance what you’re already putting out there, but also allow you to work less.

Shannon Mattern - The WP+BFF Wordpress Starter Kit (Retail value: $97)

  • Guide to everything you need to do (and DON'T need to do) to get your WordPress site done FAST.

YouCanBook.Me - 6-month Premium Subscription (Retail value: $144)

  • Makes booking time online easy, efficient and leaves you free to get on with running your business without the scheduling headaches.

Click Here to get your bundle now and beat solopreneur overwhelm!

Affiliate Disclaimer Purchasing the Solopreneur Success Bundle through the link here will result in us receiving some compensation. I appreciate you trusting my opinion on the products that will help you better your business! 

I have previously purchased Sarah Morgan's Create. Profit. Party. Ebook and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely be purchasing the bundle myself, though, so I can enjoy the rest!


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Can You Really Have it All? (On Business + Motherhood)

Today’s post is from Nicola Salmon, a UK based Acupuncturist and Naturopath plus mother to a 15 month old. Today's topic is an important one for female entrepreneurs. I'm not a mother myself, but know a lot of you can relate to the struggle of trying to "have it all." Nicola has some great advice, so take a look!


You can have it all!

Up-leveling my business is something I’ve always dreamed of doing. I started my acupuncture business very small, working a couple of evenings a week, renting a small room at a yoga studio. My mind, however, had different ideas. I was always thinking about my next big idea. But they stayed big ideas until I had my son and realized I didn't want to choose between staying at home or working full-time at a job that didn't fill me with passion.

So what happens when you want to dream big in your business but also want to be a stay at home mum? I threw caution to the wind, quit my bridge job and went full steam ahead into the land of the unknown…. the land of the entrepreneur.

But can you really have it all? You can, as long as you know what it is that you what!

Find YOUR balance

I compromised on being a mum full time and running a successful business. As much as I wanted to cram all my work effectively into nap-time, it didn't ever quite work out like that. Now I have childcare for my little one two days a week. It makes me more efficient for those two days and I enjoy my time with my little more all the more on the other days.

What does your perfect balance look like?

Think outside the box

As an acupuncturist, I really love helping people but recently, I had the revelation, that this didn't just have to be in person. So much of my job is giving people advice about how to improve their lifestyle. So much of this advice could benefit millions of other people, so why not share it with the world? By thinking outside of my comfort zone, I’m now creating an online program using all my experience in health and lifestyle advice treating my patients, to help more women get their bodies (and minds!) ready for making a baby.

What could you do with your expertise to impact more people?

Go with the flow

In the midst of my up-leveling, life threw me a unexpected curve ball. I found out I was pregnant again. With a 15-month little man already in tow, it was a very much wanted but unexpected surprise. With a ticking clock now firmly embedded in my uterus, I had to reprioritize my goals and decide what was most important in my business. Creating my program now became my priority as it would provide a passive income whilst looking after a newborn. It also meant I couldn’t procrastinate any longer. Being done is better than perfect!

Are you resisting any changes right now?

Get a coach

Getting a coach was the best decision I ever made to up-level my business. Not only did it shift my mindset into believing that I was worth investing in, but it gave me accountability so I actually got the work done. My coach inspires me to fulfill my potential in my business and helps me iron out the niggles when they come up.

How would hiring a coach shift your mindset?


Do you enjoy every aspect of your business? Chances are the answer is no. By outsourcing you are channeling your energy into the bits you love and building your business bigger whilst giving all the rubbishy bit to someone else. Sound scary? Start small, even hiring a virtual assistant for an hour a week will make a big difference to your productivity and happiness levels. I just hired a cleaner and boy does it feel good to have a clean house without having to force myself to do it.

What could you outsource today?


Nicola Salmon About Nicola

Nicola Salmon is an Acupuncturist and Naturopath in London, UK. Her mission is to empower women all over the world on their journey into motherhood. She blogs about making, growing and nurturing babies and encourages women to follow their instinct to make the best choices for the health of their families and themselves.

Website // Facebook // Instagram

1 Comment

Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

What To Do When You’re Overworked & Overwhelmed

Today’s post is from Emily Hein, private practice dietitian and food/wellness blogger at Zen and Spice. She's one of my favorite wellness bloggers to follow and has great advice on living a balanced life.


Our lives are so rushed. We’re trying to get a list of tasks done, and finish as much as we can each day, speeding along in our lives to our next destination. We rush what we need to do there so we can move to the next. We’re overwhelmed by what feels like non-stop, never ending demands and to-do lists. Our smartphones keep us always connected with work demands.

At the end of the day, we’re exhausted. Our minds are over-stressed from the busyness. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, what we really want to be doing, and for spending time with our loved ones. But we don’t have to live like this. We can enjoy a simpler life; we only need to choose to. That’s what mindfulness is about. Being mindful of what we are doing in the present moment, taking our time, and only thinking about what can be done in the present moment.

Meditation and mindfulness helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us “rest and digest”—opposite of the sympathetic nervous system, which is associated with the fight or flight response. We may not be running from a wooly mammoth, but stress from work and home life creates the same type of response in our bodies.

Here are some questions to ask yourself the next time you feel stressed about a big “to-do” list. If you don’t have enough time in your day to take care of yourself, it may be time to eliminate some things so you can.

What’s really important?

It may be your family, a spouse, children, doing well at your job, blogging three times per week, or running a ten minute mile. Step back and look at what’s really important to you. What do you really want to be doing? Are you being you? Or are you doing things you think you should be doing? Make a list of things that are truly important to you. Then do them.

What are your true commitments?

We have too many commitments in today’s world. We can’t do everything that we say we’re going to do. Just accept this. Do what’s important to you and eliminate what isn’t.

Do you have enough time to take care of yourself?

If you don’t have time in your schedule to cook yourself a balanced meal, incorporate physical activity, relax or meditate, then you’re doing too much. It’s not worth being insanely busy if your body and mind take a hit. If your body and mind aren’t functioning at their best, it will be hard to put your best self forward. You don’t have to go to the gym every day, but just focusing on moving more throughout the day can make a huge difference. Meal planning and grocery shopping ahead of time can help you eat healthy during busy weeks.

How much are you trying to do per day?

We only have twenty four hours in a day. Don’t fill up your day with tasks. If you try to do ten tasks per day (and fail), do three important ones instead. Save the others for the next day. Complete your three tasks with mindfulness and don’t try to rush through them.

What can you eliminate?

Simplify your to-do list down to the essentials. Again, you can’t do everything. Even if you could, more things will probably pop up. Do you really need to cook dinner, fold laundry, write a blog post, sweep the floor and do the dishes in the next two hours? What can you save for later or tomorrow? What can you delegate to others?

With that said, slow down and enjoy every task. Whatever you’re doing, do it with a sense of calm. Whether it be taking a shower, cooking dinner, or driving. Just slow down. You do not need to complete this task at record speed. Pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. It sounds silly to “be in the moment” while you’re brushing your teeth, but this is the simplest step you can take to become more mindful in your life.

Have you simplified your life? What have you cut out? What do you slow down and pay attention to?

About Emily

emily heinEmily Hein is a private practice dietitian and food/wellness blogger based out of Dallas, Texas. She thinks eating should be easy and pleasurable-- not a hassle! On her blog you’ll find easy recipes using natural ingredients, intuitive eating advice, and meditation & mindfulness tips. She aims to inspire her clients and readers to fuel their body with real, unprocessed food and live for mindfully and in the present moment.

Website // Twitter // Instagram // Facebook


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

4 Ways to Network Intentionally Online (Psst...Introvert-Friendly)

As a somewhat shy introvert, the word networking makes me cringe and want to hide. I imagine a big open room with people throwing elevator pitches at each other all night. I know this isn't reality (for the most part) but the idea still doesn't sit well with my personality. So naturally I gravitate toward networking online. It's not only good for introverts, but it's also more convenient, more targeted, and further reaching. By networking online I've been able to get clients from all over the world (UK, Greece, Australia, South Africa and Germany, to name a few!) and have built strong friendships and business relationships with others I've met through the methods below.

The other week I attended an #ellechat with the topic of authentic networking. The word "introvert" came up A LOT as you can imagine, considering we were on Twitter. Other phrases that really got me thinking were "authentic networking" and "network intentionally."

Authentic Networking

Authentic networking means not approaching every new connection solely as a business opportunity, but as a new relationship. 

It requires making genuine connections + being supportive of others in the industry. It means being able to joke, show flaws, and give real feedback.

Intentional Networking

The key to networking intentionally is knowing you can add value to that person's life.

It means reaching out to someone you are interested in speaking with, working with, or helping in some way. It can be as simple as leaving a blog post comment that adds value to the post. It's strategic in that you have researched the person or have connected with their content.

Now that you're thinking more about the way you that you network, let's see where you can network.

4 Places to Network Online

Twitter Chats

I am all about Twitter chats lately. I started with #ellechat and have jumped into #createlounge and #blisschat.

If you're not familiar, a Twitter chat is where a group of people discuss a designated topic at a specific time on Twitter, using a specific hashtag and being lead by a host asking questions. The chats usually last for an hour.

You can come and go as you please and get to know people before approaching them. You get to see the interactions happening before jumping into a side conversation, which is much more comfortable than if you were to do the same in person (I'm imagining the awkwardness of eaves dropping on an in-person conversation the same way you can on Twitter. Creepy!).

Further Reading:

Twitter Chats 101: A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat

Twitter Chat Schedule

Blog Comments

Leaving authentic, meaningful comments on blogs is still a great way to make a connection. The interaction isn't as immediate, and you may not get a response, but I've still met many great business connections this way.

Just make sure you're adding to the conversation. If you really connected with someone's post, let them know why. Start a conversation.

Online Associations

In January I joined the Female Entrepreneur Association, which is an international association based in the UK. Connecting with others all over the world is one benefit to internet networking as opposed to in-person. We have an amazing Facebook group where women share ideas, answer questions, and inspire each other daily.

It does come with a monthly fee, but that means everyone in the group is dedicated and motivated. Because of that, I can ask for a referral (someone to hire for a specific task) and know that it's more trustworthy. These aren't people just trying to sell themselves to everyone in the group.

To me, that's very targeted (intentional) networking. We're all interested in the same overall topic (female entrepreneurship) and help each other out with referrals and tips.


The first three were solely-online options, but it's still important to get in front of people and make face-to-face connections. What I like about Meetup.com is that you can get to know who is going to the event before you show up. You can check out their profile and see what you might have in common. There are also very niche specific meetups, so it's not just a general "business networking" event.

A general tip for in-person networking is to bring a friend along as a buffer. Limit your time talking with them and stand side-by-side rather than face-to-face if you do. Showing up with someone may help you feel more comfortable.

In the Comments:

What does "authentic networking" mean to you?

What is your favorite way to network online?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

Slowing Down: How being mindful can help you and your business

Today’s post is from Samantha Russell, blogger and Eating Psychology Coach in training. She approached me with the topic of how mindfulness can help your business, so of course I said YES immediately. I think you'll really enjoy the insight she has to share.


As wellness entrepreneurs we not only want health and wellness for ourselves but for our customers, clients, and patients. One way we can do this is by being wellness role-models. By modelling - with authenticity - actions, thoughts, and beliefs that can really heal, we can do our job at a truly deeper level. One key that will help your health, business, and clients is the practice of ‘slow’.

This idea has been around for a while, and was popularized in the book ‘In Praise of Slow’ by Carl Honoré, and today I’m going to dive into this concept a little and how it can really help you improve not only your own well-being, but that of your wellness business too.

Why ‘go slow’?

There’s a quote from poet Stephen Dobyns that sums up how most of us do our days, “Each thing I do, I rush through so I can do something else.” I know I’ve found myself doing this more than I’d like to admit. I’m sure you have too.

This is no way to live! And it’s certainly no way to be a successful wellness entrepreneur. So, what’s the answer? You guessed it! Going Slow.

So, what does it mean to ‘go slow’?

Well, it doesn’t actually mean that you have to move slowly, or necessarily take more time over things - though in our busy, rushed schedules, this might be a good idea! The core of the ‘slow’ concept is that we should take enough time to be really mindful and present in our lives in all our activities and interactions. Rather than mentally rushing through to get to the next thing, we go mentally slow, focusing on one thing at a time.

Why should I do this? Won’t it just mean I get less done?

Quite the contrary. By being mindful of the present moment and taking as much time as you need to get the job (whatever it may be) done properly, you set yourself up to not only create real quality in you life and business, but to put yourself into a full-body relaxation response.

The benefits of this simply can not be overstated. Coming to life or work from a place of stress sets you up (through increased cortisol, inflammation, decreased calorie burning, and a host of other less than great body responses) to be a lot less than you could be - both in terms of your health and your business performance. When you are relaxed, which is helped a lot by being mindful, present, and slow, you counteract this and can show up in the world with vibrant authenticity.

What are some of the benefits you can expect from ‘going slow’ in life and work?

You can experience improved:

  • creativity
  • rapport
  • thoroughness
  • clarity
  • depth and understanding of yourself and others
  • digestion, nutrition, and calorie burning
  • mood and stability

There are a ton more benefits, but just that little taster should get you interested. Basically, practicing going slow will help you create the conditions you need to be open to receiving - nutrition, relaxation, clients, inspiration. By being mentally slow and open to the moment, it helps you have your hands open to life.

Ok, let’s get practical.

How can you incorporate some ‘slow’ into your day?


  1. Mindful eating. I’ve written about this before, and eating is something we can all spend a little more time concentrating on. Our natural tendency as busy entrepreneurs is to ‘grab a bite’ at our desk, on the way home, before bed, before we pick up the kids.... And that’s ok. We can’t always take the time to have a full sit-down meal three times a day. But, we can aim for ONE. And those meals that we do have to eat on the go? Take three deep breaths before you eat (activate your relaxation response), and focus on the food while you eat it. This has the potential to relax, fuel, and nourish you in ways you didn’t know about.
  2. Movement (not punishing exercise). I’ve also mentioned this in more detail, but the key here is to not only be mindful and conscious of how you exercise, but to move your body in ways that you find fun or pleasurable. This will, again, help you settle into a relaxation response, get more benefits from your physical activity, and therefore be a happier, healthier, you.
  3. Take breaks. Schedule ‘mindfulness breaks’ throughout your work day. Use a computer timer, or your phone, to remind you to take a break for a minute. You can use this time to do any number of mindfulness exercises – write down something you are grateful for at that moment, go for a walk and get some fresh air, or do a quick calm.com session.


  1. Build slowly. This is a lot like the mindful eating tip above. In a rush to consume or create, we put ourselves into a stress response and can miss out on being open to a whole lot of new opportunities or ideas. By concentrating on building our business and products in a slow and mindful way, we create the space for even more inspiration and quality. So, try to let go of multi-tasking and instead focus on just one task, area, or project at a time and really get suck into it.
  2. Stop the focus on “Getting clients” (or whatever it is you need to ‘get’ for your business to work). When we focus on what we need, instead of what we can give, we not only open the door to panic, but we stop living in the moment and worry about the future instead. This is a creativity killer, as well as a perfect way to stress yourself out. If you can, instead, focus on adding value to people’s live and making sure each and every person you have contact with has the best experience you can give them, you business will grow in a beautiful and organic way, without the panic or grasping. When we grasp, we close our hands, and we all know you catch more with your hands open.
  3. Be comfortable. Create a ‘slow space’ for your work activities, a space that helps you feel relaxed, comfortable, and inspired, but in no hurry to get to the end of the journey. Treat each task as a special job that lets you stay in this awesome space and try to enjoy the process. This could be as simple as putting up a few pictures or quotes that remind you to ‘go slow’, or you could go as far as rearranging or redecorating your office space. Personally, I have a copy of ‘Desiderata’ on my wall, and that reminds me to slow down and see the beauty in whatever I do.

As I’m sure you know, in your personal and business life, these things both mirror each other and feed into each other. Your practice of mindfulness, wellness, and self-care will spill over into your business, and and vice-versa, setting you up for a slow and steady loop of success. I hope these ideas and practical suggestions help you start, or advance, on your journey to a happy and mindful life and business.



live the wholeSamantha Russell is the blogger and Eating Psychology Coach in training behind the wellness blog Live the Whole. She writes about all aspects of holistic health and well-being and loves to help people learn about themselves and how they can live a whole life. She has a particular passion for stress-reduction and management and how it can help people achieve their health and life goals.

Website // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest

In the comments:

How have you practiced a little ‘slow’ in you personal or business life this week?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

One Simple Question for Overcoming Fear

I was listening to the Smart Passive Income Podcast the other week and this episode, The Art of Rejection with Jia Jiang, really caught my attention. Jia Jiang decided to face his fear of rejection head on by putting himself in 100 situations where the outcome was almost certain to be "no." He asked people ridiculous things, like to give him $100, to play soccer in a stranger's backyard and for a "burger refill." You'd be surprised at how many people actually said yes, though.

So it made me think about my own fear.

I handle fear in a similar fashion to how I handle anxiety. I try looking at the facts of the situation. Included in that is asking myself, "what's the worst that could happen?"

I'm afraid of heights, and that's not one I can easily work through. Worst case scenario? I fall to my death. Semi-bad scenario? I break a limb.

So there aren't a lot of points I can argue there. I'm clumsy and uncoordinated. I move quickly. The odds are stacked against me, so my fear is at least somewhat founded. Whether that justification makes sense to anyone but me, I'm not sure haha.

But what about the fear of launching my business? Worst case scenario? It fails. I have to start over or go back into the corporate world. Semi-bad scenario? It's not very successful or not fulfilling.

Both of those situations suck, sure. But both fall under "It sucks, but..." It sucks, but you'll learn what doesn't work. (The only true way for finding out what does). It sucks, but you'll grow as a person. I promise. It sucks, but how impressive would that look on a resume that you had the ambition to start a business?

A specific fear a lot of us face is the fear of rejection, like mentioned in the podcast above.

When you ask the question, you'll get a yes or no answer and can move on accordingly.

If you don't ask, you're automatically choosing "no" for yourself.

So, is the discomfort of rejection really worse than not knowing and choosing no for yourself?

There's that well known quote, "If you don't ask, the answer is always no."

I also like this quote from Jeff Bazos, founder and CEO of Amazon: "I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying."

When I worked in the corporate world, I was lucky to learn this lesson from an understanding boss. My boyfriend at the time had been contracting 3 hours away for 6 months and had decided to take a full-time position at the company. So that left me with deciding to move where he was with no job, or take another job that was more flexible than what I currently had.

My ideal situation would have been to keep my current job, but work from Florida, where we'd be moving. I didn't think there was any chance of that happening, so I put in my notice and accepted a different position. I chose 'no' for myself without even trying.

Thankfully I had a boss who valued my work, so he pulled me into his office and asked what options we had. We were able to talk it out, and in the end, came up with a compromise that allowed us to keep working together.

Although I wasn't the one to face the fear of rejection, it taught me that I should have. I knew the outcome I wanted, so I should have at least tried. I got lucky in this situation, but how many other situations had I passed up?

And not only is there a chance for a "yes," but like in this situation, there's a big chance for a compromise.

In the Comments:

Have you been in a similar situation? Did you face your fear and ask for what you wanted, or choose no for yourself?


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

5 Ways to Find Space to Breathe as an Introvert in Business

Today’s post is from Kathryn Hall, who blogs over at The Business Introvert. She helps introverts escape the noise and run their business their own way, which is a topic very close to my heart. Kathryn contacted me a few months ago and we knew we had to connect. Even if you aren't an introvert, you may find her tips very useful.


Let’s not beat about the bush. If you’re introverted then you need regular quiet time, there should be no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ about it.

Unlike our extrovert counterparts who thrive in social situations and lively work environments, our bodies have an inbuilt need for peace and quiet in order to function effectively. (I should know - I’m not sure that even a sliver of extroversion exists in me!)

And the truth is that as someone who’s highly introverted, alone time means so much more to me than simply re-charging my batteries and finding my energy (though of course that is hugely important).

Through the wonderful power of daydreaming and reflection (don’t you just love a bit of window gazing?) it’s also how I access the creative part of my brain, process the world around me to find clarity, and get my problem solving head on to come up with solutions – all of which is pretty important when you’re running a biz!

But of course we all know that being your own boss can also be hugely time-consuming. With (deep breath!) emails to respond to, blog posts to write, meetings to attend, paperwork to file, courses to write, clients to speak to, social media to schedule, accounts to sort out and graphics to create…how do you actually run a business as an introvert without completely losing your marbles?

Well, just as with anything, I believe it’s about taking positive action to shape your business to suit your own specific needs and desires. You are the boss after all!

Below I have compiled 5 tips to help you ditch the overwhelm, clear your schedule, and find that all-important space to breathe.

If you’re anything like me, your body, mind AND business will be truly thankful.


Don’t fill your schedule with meetings

As an introvert, working to a jam-packed schedule that involves meeting people all day every day is a one-way ticket to exhaustville.

If meeting people either face-to-face or via Skype forms a core part of how you run your business then I highly recommend you schedule meeting-free days to recharge your batteries, focus on other tasks and reflect on your business.

Similarly, setting yourself limits on how many people you see in a day/week can be really helpful and will help stop you feeling overwhelmed with everything that needs doing.

Change your business model

If you’re really struggling to cut down the amount of meetings that you have, then consider how you could change your business model to better suit your introverted needs.

For example raising your prices but working with less people would allow you to focus on providing a quality service for your customers while reducing the amount of meetings, sales chats and itty-bitty admin that needs to be done with each new client.

Alternatively you could also try cutting down your clients but supplementing your income with passive products such as online courses or e-books. Although these type of products still take a lot of marketing work, they do offer an amazing option for introverts who would rather spend time alone at home than getting ‘out there’.


Keep your notifications closed

One of the greatest things I ever did for my sanity was to take control of how I receive information from the big wide web.

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the internet. My entire business is built upon it and I’m pretty sure I would not be my own boss had I been born 20 years earlier.

However (and this is really important), just because I’ve created a career that’s reliant on the web, doesn’t mean I need to be connected to it every single second of every single day.

If you spend your whole day with email and social media notifications popping up here, there and everywhere then you are essentially allowing other people’s agendas to take control of your own (which I’m sure you’ll agree is hardly the best way to create space in your schedule).

My advice to you is this. Keep your emails and social media notifications switched off until you actually have time to deal with whatever awaits you.

It’s such a simple change but it seriously can do wonders for how you spend your time.


Use the power of automation

Ah, automation, how I love thee.

A glorious bonus of the internet is that there are a whole wealth of tools out there to help you do all manner of things thus streamlining your business, saving you time and creating space for you to breathe.

What you can use is very much dependent on the type of business that you run, however a few popular tools include:

  • Freshbooks (for invoicing)
  • Calendly (for scheduling appointments)
  • Ejunkie (for delivering digital products)
  • Email filters (for automatically filing emails)
  • Mailchimp (for sending newsletters)

If you feel like you spend a lot of time on a particular part of your admin or marketing, then consider if there is a tool to help you (there’s nothing Aunty Google can’t help you with, remember!). And ultimately, the more efficient you can get your business processes, the easier things will be for you in the long run.


Get some help

And finally, remember that business doesn’t always have to be a one-man-band affair.

Hiring a virtual assistant or other professional even for an hour here or there can help massively in clearing your schedule and giving you some space to breathe.

From managing your accounts to marketing your business to answering your phone calls. Whatever you need a hand with, there will always be someone out there who can help.

So don’t try and do it all alone, get someone to share the load!


About Kathryn

kathryn hallKathryn Hall is founder of The Business of Introverts, an avid writer and mentor to quiet types across the globe who want to live happy, healthy and empowered lives. She’s big on helping people to embrace their introversion in all its glory, while creating a business they love.

Website // Twitter


Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠

How to Successfully Juggle Your Life, Blog & Business

Today’s post is from Holly Sutton, who blogs about digital marketing at A Branch of Holly. I know a lot of entrepreneurs start out juggling their business on the side while still working a day job (which is what I recommend) so I knew this would be a great topic to share.


Have you heard of Superwoman Syndrome? Even if you haven’t, I bet you’ll recognize the description instantly:

“These women are constantly striving to accomplish everything possible in a perfect manner and have not learned how to put themselves as a top priority.”

In other words, Superwoman Syndrome describes all women who are trying to do as much as they possibly can. Can you put yourself under that category? I sure can. For the past couple of months I’ve limited my free time massively. I work full-time, and spend almost every evening and weekend creating content for my blog or business idea. I know it’s what I want to do more than anything. But boy, it’s exhausting.

It got to point where I didn’t think I was going to be able to manage everything. I wanted to continue creating content for my blog, but I wasn’t getting the time to work on products for my business. And if I dedicated more time to my side gig, I was worried about the lack of posts on my blog. It’s a vicious circle, isn’t it? One can’t work without the other. It’s about finding – what’s that word people hate? Balance.

I may not have found balance. But I have found some pretty good strategies for keeping on top of everything, whilst still feeling like you’re making progress. It’s easy for people to say, “I know what you mean.” But for those of you reading this, whether you’re starting out as an entrepreneur or you’ve been doing it for years – I know it can get too much. The thoughts and ideas going round in your mind are never ending. Where do I start? How do I do everything? Can I do it all? You can – if you’re smart about it.


Plan Your Time

We’ve all been taught that you can’t do anything without a plan. I don’t know about you, but that’s one of the best things I’ve learned. Now this isn’t a to-do list – it’s not something where you feel bad for not completing a task. Planning is about breaking your day down into manageable chunks of time, where you feel as if you’ve worked on everything you wanted to. This is where an online calendar or, if you’re a paper girl like me, a diary or planner comes in handy. You don’t need to write down specific tasks. You just need to identify when you’re going to work on certain things. I’ll give you a brief example of my general weekday schedule.

AM: Work Lunch: Blog Afternoon: Work Evening: (after ‘me time’ – exercising, eating etc.) – Side Project

Blocking out your time shows you exactly what you’re working on and when. Then it’s up to you what smaller tasks you work on within those different sections.

Set Boundaries & Dedicate Time

When I found that nothing was getting done for my side gig, I realized it was because I wasn’t dedicating any time to it. I wasn’t specifically saying “For this one hour, I will do X.” That is crucial in your plan. So when you’re planning time to work on your side hustle, note down exactly what it is you’ll be working on. Writing your ‘About’ page for your website? Planning an eBook? It’s all about being purposeful with the time you have. As for boundaries, let people know what you’re doing. If you’ve dedicated an hour to planning your eBook, that’s what you’re doing. Don’t let your pet interrupt you wanting a cuddle or your spouse/roommate interrupt you for a tea break. You’ve scheduled this time in for a reason. Sometimes you have to be ruthless.

Find a Work Buddy

Otherwise known as an “accountability partner”. It’s great if you’re going into business on your own, seriously. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have someone to share the journey with along the way. Even if their purpose is to make sure you’re spending your time as you planned and you’re accomplishing what you want. It can make you want to achieve your goals even more when someone else knows about them too.

You've Got To Do The Work Quote


Yet another life lesson we’re all still trying to figure out. One of the main problems I’m having with my business idea is knowing where to start. The one piece of advice everyone has given me? Write everything down. Everything. Every little thing you need to do put down onto a list. It’s basically a huge mental dumping ground. That way you can put into context what you need to get done and when. Hopefully it should start to form an order as you start seeing your ideas on paper.

But it’s not just about what you need to do – it’s also about what you’re doing right now. I was made to think that you had to post on your blog every day and content was the most important thing. That’s just part of it. There’s also your social media platforms, your mailing list and guest posting. What do you need to do to get your business out there? Usually, it doesn’t just come from posting content on your own blog – exactly why I’m here for Danielle today!

Get Serious

If you really want it, you’ve got to be productive. Like Kathleen and Emily say in their Being Boss podcast all the time – you’ve got to do the work. That’s the difference between businesses that make it and businesses that don’t. The ones that do have a person working their absolute hardest behind the scenes and creating something from real passion and determination. They don’t check their phone during a time when they’re working and they don’t start another task in the middle of one they’re already working on. If you find it difficult like I do, try out a technique. I’m trying out the Pomodoro technique and it seems to be working.

Be Okay With Making Sacrifices

Your social life will take a bit of hit if you’re working on all these things at once. You might have to skip evenings out and your lunch break will be spent at your desk for a while. But just think – one hour a week at lunch is five extra hours a week. That’s an extra twenty hours a month. I’d say that’s worth the sacrifice for a couple of years. Then you can actually spend your lunch break doing whatever you want!

Remember it’s Your Life

The whole point of this post is to help you manage all of these great things you’re doing without burning yourself out. It’s possible. Which is why the big secret is this: you don’t have to work on it 24/7. That’s how you will burn yourself out. Usually, taking a break means you come back feeling fresher, more focused and definitely more productive. Last month, I came down with a horrid cold that made me realize I needed to take a step back and spend some time on myself. It’s not selfish – it’s your life. You need that time to grow and figure out the next steps. Don’t worry about taking a week off if you need to. And definitely don’t apologize for it.

Be Intentional

This is something myself and many people I know have been living by this year. Living intentionally. Doing things with intention and spending our time purposefully. Not doing things “just because.” Say tomorrow, you’re dedicating an hour of your evening to work on creating a really great newsletter landing page on your site. Being intentional about it is the difference between sitting down at your computer and going through your social media channels; or actually sitting down for an hour and getting this task done.

It’s hard work. But you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t know that already. I know you want it. You’ve just got to keep believing that you can do it.

And you can do it.


Holly Sutton Holly is founder and editor of A Branch of Holly. She thrives from teaching and helping people build an online presence through understanding social media and other digital tricks. She currently works as a Digital Marketing Executive but is in the process of creating her own business, where she will teach people about using social media and online strategies to enhance their presence. Most days you can find her cuddling her kitty with a good cup of tea nearby.

Website // Twitter // Facebook // Instagram






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Danielle Zeigler

I’m an SEO specialist + digital marketing strategist with over 12 years experience in the industry. I’m here to tell you it IS possible to tackle your marketing with authenticity, grace and ease, and still get results.⁠

I work with passionate business owners and marketing directors who are 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 and spreading their efforts too thin. They want to know what's working, what's not working, and where they should really be spending their time and money.⁠

But I'll be honest- I'm not here for the people chasing vanity metrics. My philosophy is grounded in 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲-𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 and what I've dubbed #SEOwithSoul. I don't believe in hacks and "beating algorithms" as a long term strategy.⁠