I debated for quite awhile about whether I'd list my prices. I've even changed it three times since my website has gone live. There's no right or wrong answer for this question, but it's worth considering.
The argument for listing prices:
+ Listing your prices works as a filter. People will know what to expect, and you won't spend unnecessary time speaking with people who don't have the budget. It saves time for both you and the potential client.
+ Transparency is highly valued.
+ It can help with your SEO. Most people don't list their pricing, but people search for pricing all the time. Wouldn't you rather be in charge of that conversation and get the traffic?
The argument for not listing prices:
+ You might miss out on clients who don't understand the real value of your services. Since the consultation call is one-on-one, it can help you both understand the needs and value in the transaction.
+ You might work on a sliding scale or have highly customized services. This is part of what I struggled with because my work varies greatly from client to client. You might need to speak with the client and get all the details before determining a fair price.
My verdict?
I recommend listing your pricing on your website for the reasons listed above.
People are trained to look for a price when they're shopping. Even if you have customized work, list an estimate or scale so people have an idea of what they're getting into. I love this quote, and whole article, from Hubspot, "The goal is to own the price and value dialog of your product or service, so you can provide researchers with the context they need to understand your pricing model." Listing your pricing while your competition doesn't puts you in charge.
Did you know listing your price can also help with your search engine optimization? Searchengingland has a great list of reasons to list pricing, starting with your SEO.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments why you did or didn't list pricing on your website.