Danielle Zeigler

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Why You Need an Email Newsletter

I hear questions like this all the time, "I already have a blog. Do I really need a newsletter?" The answer is YES you need a newsletter. Here are some reasons why:

Why you need a newsletter:

+Everyone has email, but not everyone uses social media. It may be hard to believe, but it's true. My fiance refuses to join any social network.

+Social media channels are over-saturated. You have a better chance of reaching people through email. People are more selective about the emails they opt-in to receive, but they're more engaged with the ones they do. "It’s much easier to ignore a status update than a new inbox item."

+People won't check your website for new updates as often as they check their email (24/7 these days).

+"According to Experian, $1 spent on email marketing typically provides a return of $45 to $50."

+Your email list is your best tool. These people took the time to sign-up for your newsletter, so you know they're interested in your product or service. Plus, it's already targeted to your market. -OR- maybe you'll discover your market is different than you thought. The statistics from your email newsletter will tell you a lot.

How to get sign-ups/opt-ins:

+Offer an incentive. Make it a valuable piece of your work. Use an e-book, bundle of recipes, training videos, etc. This is a great way to demonstrate that you really are an expert in your field.

+Add opt-in forms to the following places: top of your side menu bar (so it's above the fold), in your header and/or on your "About Page." --Tried and true locations from socialtriggers.com.

+Social Triggers also warns that clutter on a website is the number one conversion killer. I couldn't agree more. Embrace the white space!

Recommended newsletter providers:

Aweber - Highly recommended by others, but have no personal experience Mailchimp - My personal favorite. Free up to 2000 subscribers, professional looking templates and connects easily to your website, social networks, etc.

Action step: Dedicate an hour this week to choosing your provider and getting your newsletter set up on your website. Schedule it in!