Danielle Zeigler

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The #1 Mistake Entrepreneurs Make

I've seen this with clients, classmates and friends time and time again. It applies to more than just starting your own business. Once I finish this course, I'll be ready to apply for that job. When things slow down, I'll be ready to get certified in X, Y or Z.

I don't have the right [business name, logo, website theme] to put myself out there yet.

I don't have enough blog followers to write that e-book.

You get the point. The #1 mistake is waiting. Not jumping into it. It's too easy to get caught up by the fear and lack of confidence, but you know how you'll gain that confidence? Experience.

You'll figure out more about your business from your clients than from yourself. You'll figure out what you want to do more of and less of.

I was speaking to a client last week who validated this thought for me. Through starting to coach clients, she realized that helping with romantic relationships wasn't quite up her alley. And that's okay. It's better to specialize and to refer people when it's not what you want to do.

You don't need to have the perfect website, blog, social media presence or even business name to get started. My logo is only a pretty font I made myself and my website and blog are currently separate. Not ideal, but it hasn't slowed me down one bit.

Follow these steps to get started TODAY:

1. Start with your legal name as your business name to skip some legal steps. In most cases you won't need to do any special registrations as long as you use your own legal name as part of the business. Example: Danielle Zeigler Coaching. My name and what I do. If you use a different name, such as Kickin' Fitness, you'll need to file as DBA (Doing Business As), at minimum. (I know, I know..that's why I don't have a fancy business name yet.)

It also allows your business to grow and change directions. I offer health coaching and business coaching, but I may not always offer both. I'm not ready to commit, so using my name is perfect. The tagline is the important part anyway.

2. Start a blog, even if it still looks like name.wordpress.com Start writing what you know and building an audience or community. You'll learn which topics you like talking about and what questions you see over and over. You'll also demonstrate your expertise. Clients like to work with someone they know and trust, so a blog is the perfect, non-committed way for someone to get to know you.

3. Put together a Wix.com website. You can even keep the ads and free domain, and you'll have a free website set up in an afternoon. It's drag and drop, and they have beautiful templates to get you started.

4. Start telling people what you do. Introduce yourself as a health coach, business coach, life coach, etc. to everyone you meet. Even if you don't have any clients yet, that's still what you do.

5. Keep your day job. You don't have to jump head-first into the world of entrepreneurship. I highly recommend keeping your day job and working in the evenings and on weekends until you have a more solid footing with your business.


What tips would you give other entrepreneurs as they get started? What did you struggle with or see success with?